We are going to learn about wild animals from different habitats: jungle, savannah, Arctic, forest... Therefore I let you some videos, enjoy them!
I´m making a WIX about wild animals in different ecosystems. (click on the picture)
wild animal sounds
Peppa Pig: Night animals
Charlie and Lola: I am going to save a Panda
Rumble in the jungle
The lion who wanted to love
Dear zoo
If I were a jungle animal
Polar bear, polar bear, What do you hear?
Panda bear, panda bear what do you see?
Baby bear, baby bear what do you see?
Where´s My Mom?
As motivation suddenly appeared in class some hidden wild animals.
Could you find them? I can give you a clue: there are six animals and the track of a different one.
After that, I asked to my pupils to bring me a snake or a crocodile or even a hummer shark! And at the end we hae a very nice corner of wild animals in our class. And talked about what animals we couldn´t use here because they live in the sea, as we have learnt at 4 year olds.
Today we are reviewing the wild animals they know and we make a colour dictation worksheet. I say the animal and the colour and my pupils have to follow the instructions.
In a different session, I´ve showed to my pupils some videos of wild animals and we´ve talked about their names.
Then I´ve asked them "What´s your favourite animal?" , "My favourite animal is..."
After that they have made a beautiful drawing. These are our creations!
In the worksheet they had to write the name of the animal.
Therefore I´ve written all the animals´ names on the white board, and they had to find the word they needed looking for the initial sounds of each one.
As we have had some extra time, we have played with plasticine and have been preparing a beautiful animal exhibition.
We are trying to recognise the names of different wild animals, as I´ve posted before, we look for the initial sound and then we figure out if it is the word I´m looking for, or it isn´t.
A different activity in the same line is a wordcloud,(that I´ve made on "Imagechef.com"). In the bear track I´ve written some animals but also more words that shouldn´t be there.
So we have to highlight the correct words and find the intruders!
Ixeya brought to class an amazing handmade Animal book with almost everything you need to know: height, weight, the name, photo of the adult animal and the offspring, the place where he lives, what he eats and other curiosities. We are going to use it almost everyday!
We are going to use in class the WIX I´ve made.
As you can see in this link we are working some animals from the Savannah, with Blue-Bot.
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